Posts Tagged With: Birthdays

A Smurfie Boo Birthday
Today is my little-list grandson’s 5th birthday and what a joy he is. He is a Mine Craft fanatic, a…

Celebrating an amazing woman
Today a celebrate my sus’ses birthday. As I have mentioned before, she is no ordinary woman, she is a superstar…

Joy-ous Eight
One of the biggest joys in my life is that of being a Gaggie. This prestigious name is derived from…

Ode to an unsung heroine
Today is Elsa Steyn’s birthday. She is one of the many special angels in my life. Her superpower is her…

Celebrating the value of (a) woman
Yesterday we had a high tea in Hogsback to celebrate the value of woman, all woman, but especially one woman who has…

What does it mean to be a mentor?
One of my most inspiring mentors, Tony Carr, is having a Big Splash this weekend (although I would imagine the water…

Happy Birthday Ellie
“For there is no friend like a sister, in calm or stormy weather, to cheer one on the tedious way,…

What it means to be 50!!
Hier is ‘n slideshow vir Ellie sodat sy kan prepare vir die volgende 50… Die fotos van haar verjaarsdag fees…