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December 1, 2022

What a Knysna year!!

I have created numerous posts about the various happenings this year, but it was all in my head (or in a tik-tok somewhere) and I never got to park it here. This is a bad thing. As I get “older”, I have realised the importance of putting things in writing, for a number of reasons.

Firstly, I sometimes get so busy, I can’t remember my own name, never mind what I did, thought of, have to do, have to speak to, tick off, action, remember….So writing things down and ticking them off, has become an important habit. Unfortunately, I can’t read my own handwriting and personal blog posts were obviously not on my priority list. I am filing voice notes to myself for AI to figure out in the future.

I have forgotten what the other reasons are. See what I mean? So, let me summarise all my main takeaways from this year.


I had a LOT of takeaways. I did not have time to cook and anyway, what fun is it to cook for yourself? I figured out that doing takeaways is much cheaper than buying and cooking. My darling assistants (thanks Karyn and Lyndie) sometimes took pity on me and made me food, but mostly they cleared my fridge of long-expired (smelly) bits and pieces. The other perk of living in Knysna is that stuff can be delivered. And then there is tannie Sarie. She makes home-cooked meals in containers, ready to reheat and eat. Mag-nificent!


I was on a mission to establish which restaurant in Knysna is my favourite, before I go bancrupt. I joined a WhatsApp group where you get a list of all the specials for the day, but mostly to see where and when I can buy half-prize sushi. I am glad to report that you can eat half-prize sushi, every day, at a different venue in Knysna. The only snag is that you have to sit down, which resulted in my bum “slightly” growing in size from all the sitting down! I have to mention my favourite sit-down place- Bow-Wow which has a pork belly bow-wow-thingie and juice for under a R100, and it is to die for!


As you all know, I am a workaholic and I love new challenges. My aim this year was to get all my (notice the “my”) 15 KILT schools in Knysna to love and take technology to another level. I am the lead mentor to about 35 IT enablers (ITEs), a tech team, and a training team. I have gamified the whole project and we will be showcasing what our schools have achieved during this year, next year on the 4th of February at a mega big e-Celebration.

It has been challenging for me to work across so many schools with different contexts, getting a feel for their challenges and figuring out how we can support them. As always, a humbling experience for me to see dedication at work. I can distinctly remember when I told the MD that I am totally overwhelmed but totally excited. I got my schools to TikTok, integrating tech and creating some e-plans for the future, which is starting now! To read more about what we have been up to this year, see our e-Learning sandpit at www.kiltelearning.co.za.

I was fortunate to be asked to be the keynote speaker at the ECKED conference and as always I had fun.

But now I am soooo tired.

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