Joy-ous Eight
One of the biggest joys in my life is that of being a Gaggie. This prestigious name is derived from my name (Maggie) and the word Granny which makes me the only Gaggie ever! The word needs to be said in English as it would mean something completely unsavoury in Afrikaans.
So today marks the eight-year of being a gaggie as my eldest grandchild is turning eight today….. and what a joy she is. I cant help smiling when I think of her and I get completely gagga over that adorable little girl.
Only thing is….she is not a little girl any more. She quietly grew and grew into an absolutely amazing young lady. She is caring and funny and full of joy. Except if you take her device away or force her to do boring homework. So she obviously takes after her Gaggie.
So today I celebrate her birthday and her life and miss her so much it hurts.
Have a wonderful day my darling boeboe-girl!! Here are some memories from this last year.
rpt rpt rpt fbt rpt rpt
Tagged with: Birthdays