About Maggie


Articles created by Maggie

A Smurfie Boo Birthday

Today is my little-list grandson’s 5th birthday and what a joy he is. He is a Mine Craft fanatic, a…

My Bee-hind

I completely forgot that it is international bee day on Thursday the 20th of May. Maybe it might bee beecause…

Celebrating an amazing woman

Today a celebrate my sus’ses birthday. As I have mentioned before, she is no ordinary woman, she is a superstar…

Ilifu (cloud) creatures

Mzozo, my gardener has been such a blessing to us here at Ilifu. We only employ him for one day…

Morning Market Normality

Even though the Hogsback Under the Oaks Morning Market has been going since December, I have only ventured back to…


I have had an ongoing long love-hate relationship with my bees. They have been with me from the start when…

Joy-ous Eight

One of the biggest joys in my life is that of being a Gaggie. This prestigious name is derived from…

Reviving My Blog (yet again)

It has been a long time. I know. My Maggie blog has always been a space where I talk to…

Cows, bees, spiders, monkeys and magic

#ParadiseLife at the moment is a mixture of awe, awesomeness and awe-fulness all rolled into one. It resembles the best and…

A cow story #paradiselife

In Hogsback we don’t chase cars or pavements, we chase cows. These four legged, agile, garden trampling, flower gobbling, leather…